Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

natural supplements that WORK - quickly if poss

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Interested to find out what REALLY worked for some of you with natural remedies.

My main issues are: mental lassitude,
                             anxiety (that has improved since GP gave me antidepressants)
                             No sex drive (which is my husb is totally understanding about)
                             Dry Skin (itches)

and now recently nausea (??? huh wtf??).  and ..

hot flashes - I thought I'd escaped that part as they began recently but boy literally about 2 or 3 every hour and then at night ....the sweats, mahhhhhn the sweats.  I constantly have greasy hair and...smell sweaty. 

I am 44 but about a year back blood tests showed I was well into peri.  I haven't had a period for ages - (I did have some bleeds when I took the HRT patch for 3 months but I've stopped those in Sept as HRT patches were making me crazy (literally!!).  Other than the 3 bleeds on HRT I guess I haven't had a natural bleed for oh at least 10 months...

Make sure that any vaginal issues are sorted with a localised HRT medication.  Nightly.

We have lots of threads about 'memory' here.  As oestrogen levels drop the skin may become dry: inside and out! 4 me it was my insteps or behind my shoulders ........ a moisturiser may be required regularly.

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains  ::).  Read round.  Make notes ;-)

You really need some heart and bone protection and there are several ways of delivering HRT .  My periods waxed and waned over about 3 years ......... last bleed in 2002.

Some ladies browse Holland and Barratt or Boots 'own' herbals but often when hormones begin meandering, any benefit from herbals is lost.  They would be on the NHS if they were known to work.

My aunt and mother swear by Evening Primrose for their hot flushes. Obviously doesn't work for everyone.

I use a natural progesterone cream....absolutely got rid of my anxiety. I'm in the US so it's easy to get over the counter at a health food store or over amazon. However, a lot of people can't tolerate any kind of progesterone.

I know there are other natural supplements but haven't tried any yet. I think it is hard to say what 'works' and doesn't, as far as natural supplements go. I think they really depend on the person.


--- Quote from: CLKD on December 03, 2018, 02:48:07 PM ---Some ladies browse Holland and Barratt or Boots 'own' herbals but often when hormones begin meandering, any benefit from herbals is lost.  They would be on the NHS if they were known to work.

--- End quote ---

You often say this CLKD but it's simply not true.  I lived in Germany and herbal meds are regularly prescribed, on their own or alongside, conventional meds.  German doctors have to past a a module of herbal meds to get their degree.

Also our docs often recommend St. Johns Wort


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