Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

These supplements may be of benefit.

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I've had a lot of conflicting advice on soya and soya isoflavones too.
I'm perimenopause (47) and have a lot of hormonal breast discomfort.
I started having lots of soya because I thought it would help and then I read something negative so I cut it all out! There is bc in my family so I have decided to avoid it from now on. Jaypo - you are right that there is so much information!
Sally - thanks for the list. I'm interested in what others take. I have tried a lot and am committed to magnesium and starflower oil on a daily basis for anxiety and breast tenderness.

You've to be so careful,girl in Holland &barrett told me to try red clover,I had to tell her you shouldn't take it if there's bc in family,who thought the menopause would cause so much grief 🤨

Sally S:

This up to date link on soya may help.  😊.  I've never tried red clover, sage or black cohosh as I've not really had hot flushes.....I had what I think was a run of them in 2014, it was at nighttime but I had sinusitis at the time so it may have been that! 

Wow,that was interesting,still seems confusing though,can it be good for some cancers but not for others?
I'm one of those people who try to ignore some of these studies as if we listened to them all we'd stop eating and drinking EVERYTHING.
We can only do our best 😟

Sally S:
You're right, we can only make ourselves as informed as possible by looking at/receiving the right info and do what we think is best for us! Some of the studies aren't even worth reading I bet, but it's always worth looking at the author as some will be written by people who are trying to promote what they are manufacturing so it will always be biased!


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