Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

These supplements may be of benefit.

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Sally S:
Yes of course, Sparkle. The company is Bionutri and the supplement is called EcoDophilus.  It contains a combination of four strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria- kefir, acidophilus, bulgaricus and bifidum.  I bought them from NatureDoc shop.  Next day delivery!  I've found them to beneficial and gentle on the stomach unlike others I have taken in the past and it put me off them for a few years. Since taking these I've had no IBS type symptoms or bloating.  Highly recommend.  I feel if Dr Newson takes them then they must be worth it!  X

Sally S:
No worries, I hope you get on with these.  There's apparently a reason these are effective....I think not all probiotics are effective.  I can't remember the explanation Dr Newson gave....,think it was to do with the way they go through your digestive system and can then be utilised better in your stomach.


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