Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

These supplements may be of benefit.

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Sally S:
Hi Ladies,

I just thought I'd share the supplements that I've been taking - I'm sure these are nothing new to a lot of you but just thought I'd list them in case these may help just one person!!  I've been suffering for a few years with awful tiredness and low mood.  I've been taking these supplements for just over two months now and in the last two weeks I have suddenly had a lot more energy....I'm getting up easier in the mornings, I'm doing a Pilates class and straight afterwards I do Aquafit. It may all be just a coincidence  though!!?  I am
vegetarian and have been eating:

lots of Tofu (a pack a day)
Arkopharma high strength 70mg soya isoflavones
Magnesium tablets
Vit C tablet
Seven Seas liquid Max strength fish oil with Vit D
A women's multi vitamin/mineral for hair/skin in particular (careful not to take too much Vit D)
A probiotic capsule - this brand was recommended by The Menopause doctor, Dr Newson.

I am still considering HRT as I am only 45 and have had a lot of peri Menopause symptoms but at the moment I am not half as bad as I was and I just wanted to share this info in case in can help any of you!

Best wishes 🎅🏼😊

Hi sally,I'm veggie too & pretty much take those items bar tofu daily,I've heard a lot about the soya isoflavones but I've been told not to take too much soya,it's a minefield out there,take this don't take that aaaaargghhhh😄

Sally S:
Hi Jaypo, was this advice from a GP and due to a possible increased risk of BC being initiated?  I have heard about this but have done no research on it so have no idea what is considered too much! 

Yes bc as there's a long history in my maternal side,also was told by a nutritionist,I'd do some homework,not sure how much is too much,I'm not sure if anyone knows,I've had so many conflicting answers.think my head may explode with so much info 😂

Sally S:
Ah, I definitely depends on which website you browse doesn't it!?  I guess the more up to date the better.  An informative one I just found was BDA (British dietetic association). It was very reassuring about soya/isoflavones.


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