Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Dr. Marilyn Glenville

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As an aside... It's interesting how working out of Harley Street is often deemed as negative, or some kind of ruse.

When working in Central London we really have little choice. Harley Street has the lion share of consulting room availability, some very expensive and others more affordable. It's always a risk though in hiring rooms and I've probably lost more money there than I've made as it's very hard to market yourself in such a dense area.

Anyway, just wanted to say that please don't assume Harley means being ripped off. I'm sure there will be some dodgy peddlers there (like everywhere) but there are also some great doctors and therapists working tirelessly for much less financial reward than is presumed.

I took a look at her website just now.  I find it odd that odd that under the Herb section it says "A good herbal formula should contain..." and a list of herbs and recommended amounts follows.  However, when I checked the ingredients of the supplements on sale on the website - none of them contain all of the list of herbs or even the minimum amounts she recommends.  By that definition, the herbs being sold on her website are NOT good then?

Hi Beaker, I have checked out the website and am having trouble joining up the dots. I can't find the sentence you quoted. Also the list of herbs and vitamins seems to be general recommendations with what looks like min and max doses. The products, which seem to be different herbs for a specific program, and are separate thing altogether.

Can you give me a clue as to your concern as I couldn't find a problem.


PS. Have just checked out some of your old posts and see that you are concerned that herb remedies are unregulated and un tested. I assure you that that all herbal supplements, sold in the UK, are now fully regulated and have been for some years. Also many have been used for hundreds of years and pharm companies would not be interested in the cost of testing.

Hope that helps.


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on December 13, 2018, 09:04:11 PM ---
PS. Have just checked out some of your old posts and see that you are concerned that herb remedies are unregulated and un tested. I assure you that that all herbal supplements, sold in the UK, are now fully regulated and have been for some years. Also many have been used for hundreds of years and pharm companies would not be interested in the cost of testing.

Hope that helps.

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure what you are saying re products used for hundreds of years? Are you saying they are safe because of this or do not need to be tested or what - sorry I'm not clear.

The regulation of herbal medicines as I understand it refers to the purity of the actual product - ie are you getting what it says on the tin free from contaminants etc, rather than specific tests pertaining to the safety or efficacy of the product.

Therefore any herbal product/medicine/tablet purchased within the EU is hopefully that bona fide pure product, due to the regulations, but this does not mean that it works for the purpose for which it is sold nor that it is safe long term - irrespective of how long is might have been used as a folk remedy.

Hurdity x

Hi sap22,

Did you dicided to go.  If so let us know how you get on.  :)


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