Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Peppermint tea

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I too drink decaf coffee but a lot of hot water and peppermint tea too. I find it is a good tummy settler and if out for a meal always finish with it

Pmj 28:
Thank you ladies, going to get some peppermint tea hope it well help been preimenapause for 4 years just think you got your head around things something else comes along
Paula x

I know it's good for you but uck :(

Just indulging in my second mug of the day - settles the stomach good and proper!

Agree it's very good also agree it's yuk😂.I seem to have gotten used to it now and it's more acceptable but I can't take without just 1 spoon of sugar.Ive came across a new probiotic. I just can't get on with the multiple strains type.this one is amazing it's called alflorex and works in a completely different way,Have a look on Amazon.very costly but who cares if it works, I especially needed it on the triple therapy treatment for my gut so I'm happy to pay that if it works and.for me it has.
Good luck with your tea hope it helps you.😘D.D


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