Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Peppermint tea

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Pmj 28:
Hi ladies do any of you drink peppermint tea to help you with your stomach, just started to have this problem all so have low back ache get a bit constipated and diarrhea .Went to doctors about it as I have hot flushes and on hrt , she said it could be my collon. But not like it all of the time my periods are late or early I never know to me it feels like I am going to start my period
Was reading about the tea and was just wondering if any of drink it
Take care

I drink a lot if peppermint tea since I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. Diverticulosis is pretty common I believe ( little pockets that develop in the lower bowel and become inflamed) and it causes lower stomach and back pain. Constipation makes it worse but diarrhoea often trigger inflammation so eating enough fibre is crucial. I had developed acid reflux so was given PPIs which really mucked up my digestive system and I got awful wind and diarrhoea so peppermint tea really helped. I stopped having any caffiene and fruit juices and eat small meals regularly through the day. If I eat stodgy foods like pasta or get tempted to eat too much at once then I get a flare up of the diverticulitis.
I think it's about being disciplined with your diet and also getting enough exercise to keep the digestive system working well. DG x

Pmj 28:
Thank you dancinggirl , I all so get acid reflux, not had caffeine for a long time just started to eat Brown bread and I had a glass of cranberry juice light day  I feel ok drinking that

I have always been a ‘windy' person! So started drinking peppermint tea years ago. I drink around 4 mugs a day. I think it helps with digestion as if I'm out for a meal and don't have peppermint tea after eating then I really notice how uncomfortable I feel.

When I had heart burn after breast surgery the Nurse gave me peppermint tea in the early hours of the morning but she wouldn't share her receipe  ;D but it did the trick!  Wasn't too much like toothpaste  ::)


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