Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Can't take what to do?

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How big is the clotting factor in all this?  One has to weight up benefits as well as risks.  Difficult.  Go with your gut instinct?

My gut has been telling me for many years to worry about a blood clot....but I was also on a CCP for about 7 years prior to this. (I felt like I needed to get off, clotting being one reason) so I'm not sure. I guess right now, my kids are still young and I want to be there for I want to keep risks as low as possible. When they are grown, things might be different. Just part of the challenge of being young with it all I guess.

Thanks Birdy,
I'll check out that book. yes, it is definitely about keeping the hormones in check. I worry when the oestrogen starts dropping more if I'll be able to handle it all. Thankful that right now, progesterone is what I need and it is helping...but protecting my heart and bones.....things I do need to worry about for sure.

Hi Jari,

I can't say I eat lots of garlic. I take a garlic supplement each day though. I'd love to eat more but I have to feed the family as well and they don't love garlic as much as I do.  ;)
I take an omega 3 supplement, eat almonds when I can buy them, B12 and D3. (Magnesium, Biotin, a probiotic and Vitamin C as well) I need to find a good B Complex vitamin.
Sometimes I take some low dose aspirin, but not often. I was taking half a pill after my fall down the stairs. Still never got a bruise from that.. :o but I hit my knee recently and got a bruise from that! I don't recall it being a very hard hit and it's taking awhile to heal it seems so just cut out the half an aspirin.

I have Evening primrose oil sitting around, waiting to add. I take so many things each day, I'm not thrilled to swallow another pill. not sure if that affects the blood.

I've seen you mention a few times that you are trying a hormone balancing diet. Would you mind sharing what you are doing with that? I've read about it a bit.

We eat a lot of garlic and ginger in our diet.  Initially it gave me indigestion but now I miss it in recipes.


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