Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Can't take what to do?

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I also recommend Dr Rangan Chatterjees book The 4 Pillar Plan you can use in conjunction with Marilyn Glenville and both have solid down to earth approaches than I really think not enough people know about.
I've persevered with hrt for over 12 months and although it started off quite positive the last 6/8 months have been dreadful for me.ive had every pill patch gel spray available even importing what I couldn't source here in the hope of finding one that would help my body and not cripple me with all the side effects that these consultants and specialists said couldn't happen.well I know different.ive been completely off hrt for 12-16 weeks now and I couldn't feel happier or healthier.I no longer cry myself to sleep with breast pain or lie unable to turn in bed my digestive issues bloating cramps pain in tummy ribs and burning up my back are no more, my oil slick skin has gone along with the spots that accompanied burning mouth and open sores on my tongue month after month, since April, are health anxiety now is non existent I've just finished triple therapy for hpylori. I couldn't even consider taking one antibiotic previously as my fear was so irrational.Hrt created too many negatives for me so I did my research and opted for another path.because it doesent work for you doesent mean failure or no hope it just means you have to work that bit harder at finding an alternative and they are out there so don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. Follow your instincts.Go with other people's recommendations if you struggle ask questions on the forum there's help here for the asking DD😘

Thank you both. I'll have to get those books. I know I need to do everything I can to protect my bones and heart. I know exercise will be good for that but know I need to eat better as well. I hate that I'm starting all this "fun" so young. But hopefully I can get myself figured out and healthy so my body can cope with things better. I looked at the Marilyn Glenville site and gave it a quick read over. I like that it is a very common sense approach.

I do worry about the future and what the lack of oestrogen will do to my body. Right now, the progesterone cream seems to be helping most issues and hopefully others I'm not aware of. I miss my old wasn't great or perfect but it didn't feel like it was falling apart...well not as much anyways. I just really need to take care of myself better.


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