Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

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Okay, so having breast cancer in the family, endometriosis and now confirmed clotting factor gene.....oestrogen has been ruled out for me. At the moment, that seems "okay" as tests show I'm oestrogen dominant at the time....but I wonder what my options are now? I am using a progesterone cream that so far, so good. I don't expect it to be long term. I'm going to be asking about the mini-pill as the endometriosis growth needs to be kept under control right now. I'd like to at least get into my 40s before having everything removed and a hysterectomy.

To those who can't use HRT, what have you done to control the symptoms of peri/meno?

For me, right now, the worst are the heart palps, anxiety, aches and pains everywhere. Honestly there's so many things going on I don't think I could list them all...but need to start somewhere.

Could it be delivered into the body by patches rather than orally?  Quality of Life is important. You're State side?

yes state side. Oestrogen is looked at the same whether it is added transdermally or orally....still warned against for blood clots. I see my doctor on wednesday to talk about the clotting so I'll be able to ask more about hormone therapy then as I only got the nurse today. Oestrogen is on the high side (low-ish but...) compared to the progesterone at the moment but I know that will change as I progress through peri. I'd like to ease the transition as much as possible so was hoping for maybe some naturally suggestions as I know SOMETIMES they can really work for some people. If the last few months of feeling like I got ran over SEVERAL times by the peri-truck is any indication of how things will go for me, I'm very nervous for the future of this.

Hi BlueButterfly. I was tested for clotting factors which came back negative but I was told that if positive then patches or gel would be ok but not after the age of 60. Women on here with endo still seem to be able to use HRT but you will have to use the search facility to bring up relevant posts. As regards breast cancer advise is that you need at least two close female relatives, mum, sister, aunt, grandmother with oestrogen receptive cancer for it to impact on your own ability to use oestrogen - in the UK that is. I'm not sure on your personal circumstances though.

Taz x

Just one aunt with breast cancer, yes because of oestrogen. I will ask more about transdermal options or a referral to someone more knowledgeable regarding meno/hormone treatment.

I know with the endo that it's very important to keep the oestrogen in check with enough I think that'll still allow me to use some oestrogen....if they will regarding the clotting risk. Luckily everything else seems good with my body is working as it should to keep clotting issues least, the best I can tell right now.

It's all just frustrating (but a relief at the same time. At least I know WHY I've been concerned about that).

I may just finally attempt using the evening primrose oil. My aunt raves about it helping her and my mother, when she uses it, finds relief from her hot flushes and such. That is mostly what they deal with though. I find my flushes not such a problem. I just get very hot and red but don't have a sweating problem so just deal with it. But I've been dealing with that since late 20s!

I'm also considering Vitex/Chasteberry/Agnus-castus. Anyone have experience using this?


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