Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vitamin pills, miracle or myth.

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I've been veggie for 25 years now, I only take one of those all in one vitamins for 50+ women,can anyone advise on what I should be taking?ive noticed a lot said about b6 & b12

Oh yes. That is very relevant in your case as B12 has a big effect on mood.

I don't eat a lot of meat, I'd rather eat veg,
So I've just started on menopace vitamins.
I've only been on them for a few days, so it'll be interesting to see if I start to
feel anything.
I did take just the B vitamins last year, but stopped them because they gave me
terrible stomach pains.
So hopefully, because the menopace have everything in them and not just B vitamins,
things will be better....fingers crossed anyway.....

Hi jillydoll,do you know is menopace ok for the whole breast cancer history thing? I have seen it before & I can't remember for the life of me I didn't buy it,does it say anything on the packet?
Thank you.............again ❤️

Vitamin supplements are no replacement for a good diet but I know that i am better when I take B12( I'm vegetarian) and Omega 3 oils. I also take Calcium with vitamin D and magnesium to help look after my bones.
I am always sceptical about these tv programmes as, like most studies and journalist articles, they just look at things from one persons angle - not the the total picture.
My mantra: Eat well and supplement as and when you feel it is appropriate but never overdo anything. DG x


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