Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vitamin pills, miracle or myth.

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--- Quote from: jaypo on November 13, 2018, 07:10:35 PM ---Hi conolly,I've not had a b12 blood test,I'm pretty savvy when it comes to my food,like you it's been 25 years I've been veggie but it's only now that I think I may need a boost,think i'll give b12 a go.if you can't overdose then it must be worth a try?
Thank you for the info😊

--- End quote ---

Absolutely, jaypo. One of the good reasons to supplement with B12 is being vegan. Vegetarians can have a bit if they eat eggs and dairy products but I agree that in menopause a boost is welcome.

Conolly X

Like you I may try a vegan diet as I'm now trying lactose free & they say if you're not sure if it's lactose free,if it's vegan it's lactose free,so it's actually easier just going vegan 🤪 only thing is, I've tasted vegan cheese & no likey

I'm currently trying different vegan products, cheese included, and I'm beginning to not dislike them 😂 They actually make my bowels work so much better that I will love them eventually 😂.

Conolly X

I actually had a vegan pizza from goodfellas & it was yummy,there's so much more choice nowadays,25 years ago it would be a carrot 🤣



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