Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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Hello ladies.

 Grapetree are now selling CBD oil as well as Holland and Barrett plus there are plenty of sources online.

Hope this helps and wishing you all well.


I have capsules from Heathspan but am reluctant to use them. Not enough reliable information yet.

The oil in the dropper bottles - you put a certain number of drops under your tongue and leave for a minute (mine says) depending on the strength then swallow.  Tastes a bit weird but not bad.  I suppose the absorption is better than if it goes through the stomach in capsules or if your liver doesn't like it!

Think Grapetree has the high strength one as apparently Holland & Barrett have only the weaker strength one.......if that helps  :)

I just ordered some of this online (Amazon) for my back pain. Does anyone know how you take it? Orally or do you rub it on?


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