Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you realise the gaps between are getting longer and when they come they are not so severe - sort of creeps up on you doesn't it Jaypo?

I hadn't a clue what was wrong with me,didn't even recognise I'd anxiety til it was really bad and by that time I was definitely depressed also,just awful.
How have you been

well I have to say that it would be foolish of me to say "oh I'm ok I'm better" especially after 40 years of stuff but I have to say on my scale of 1- 10 for feeling bad instead of living my life for the last 10 years between 7 & 10, I would say I have moved down to a 4-5!! whoo hoo!  Flaming heck it's taken just over 6 months.  I'm not fixed that's for sure and I got my testosterone on Wednesday so its a bit early to say how that works or if it works at all.

It seems to be going in the right direction but I know relapses are possible and after 40 years of my brain being in pretty depressive state and my body being out of sorts I would be a complete idiot to think it will have "it will have got the hang of what it was supposed to be doing"!!  I think its a learning curve still but lets just say it's "different but in a good way"!  I could be on here posting tomorrow that I want to play on the motorway again!  lets not get in front of ourselves hey?  Thanks for asking Jaypo :) 

Hi countrygirl,just wish we could all be ok,a simple pill & hey presto! We're all better 😊

Wow ladybt,you've had it bad haven't you,I know in the grand scheme of things,this doesn't really help but I really admire you,there are another few women on here that I think are amazing,you may not know it but you're an inspiration to others xx


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