Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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--- Quote from: jaypo on November 26, 2018, 03:10:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: BlueButterfly on November 26, 2018, 03:04:52 PM ---I cannot find my CBD oil.  >:( No idea where it disappeared to...have to buy more now.
I wanted a better quality anyways but not like this. It was my favorite for pain. Never used it long enough to see if it helped anxiety.

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Was it the meno fairy that stole it BB?🤪😂

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 ;D I think so! Or placed it in a secret place that only she would remember!  ::)


Hi Clio yes it's vile! I got the drops for under your tongue,where you've to keep it fo 5-10 mins,blimey,after the allotted time it tasted like I'd chewed my way through 80 cigars🤢

That's what I have it for,it's really expensive though for the high strength one,anxiety hasn't returned (please don't) so I haven't really had a chance to test it fully

Jaypo - great to hear your anxiety has taken a holiday - lets hope it's actually emigrated!! :)


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