Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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I have degenerative discs and have had bad pain the last couple weeks. I wasn't looking forward to Thanksgiving this week not with all the cooking etc., My oil arrived yesterday and I took about 30 drops under the tongue last night. Honestly I didn't feel any difference but the taste was okay rather like a light olive oil. Last night I slept like a baby no pain at all I cannot believe it. My husband asked how I was I said I feel great just a slight pain back there so I took another 30 drops for today. So I thought I would get on and let you lovely ladies what I have experienced with it. My strength is 250 mg full spectrum and I got mine on Amazon.

Annika - sounds great - so glad it seems to work.  Trouble is we all seem to react differently to things like cbd oil and sleeping remedies and even hrt.  Its all so random but wishing you many more peaceful and pain free nights :great:

I'm away to that shop tomorrow that sells it,is it grape tree'something like that,they sell the higher strength CBD,so fingers crossed 🤞

I cannot find my CBD oil.  >:( No idea where it disappeared to...have to buy more now.
I wanted a better quality anyways but not like this. It was my favorite for pain. Never used it long enough to see if it helped anxiety.


--- Quote from: BlueButterfly on November 26, 2018, 03:04:52 PM ---I cannot find my CBD oil.  >:( No idea where it disappeared to...have to buy more now.
I wanted a better quality anyways but not like this. It was my favorite for pain. Never used it long enough to see if it helped anxiety.

--- End quote ---
Was it the meno fairy that stole it BB?🤪😂


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