Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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Think it's orally,drops on the tongue,is it high strength do you know'the weaker ones don't seem to get good reviews.let us know how you get on

Haha hasty,I've heard it's pretty disgusting 🤢

That's brilliant hasty,wonder if it works for anxiety as well

I'm using it for athritis in my hand....have noticed a sight improvement.
It's the one from H&B, dropper type..  but it's very gloopy....doesn't seem as much in as started on the bottle.

I'm going to give the one from Healthspan a try....

Hey Hasty - I have the one you put under your tongue from H&B and yep its definitely an acquired taste - unfortunately for me it doesn't seem to do much but maybe I haven't given it enough time or maybe like everyone says I need a higher strength.  Seems like general opinion is that the Holland and Barrett one is a bit weak.


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