Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil

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Has anyone heard anything about this cannabis oil?Apparently it's supposed to be good for anxiety,saw it in health food shop,was a bit pricey but I'd give anything a shot

Hi again!

I've heard very good things about it. Yes it can be very helpful for anxiety for many people. Just make sure it is good quality.

They have done studies that show it is effective for anxiety. THC (what makes you high) can make anxiety worse but what you can buy in the store has very little to no THC in it so not a problem.

It is also supposed to have very minimal side effects. Start small and build your dose up to see how it affects you.

I do hate how expensive it is. I wish they had smaller sample sizes because it isn't great spending that much money to get something that might not work. I like CBD for pain (Topically), especially nerve pain. Now if only I could find it. I put it somewhere but like my brain could remember where it ended up!

Hello, I have tried it for nerve pain and found it to be quite effective, not miraculous but effective and the stuff you buy over the counter has none of the "get high" components in it so no need to worry there.  Here in NI there seems to be a company who have quite a lot stands in shopping centres  The number of different products and delivery methods is mind blowing and I think how expensive it is varies on the method you choose.  I got some in Holland and Barrett the first time but found it wasn't good enough quality (I think that's an important factor to look for and I found it out when I was doing some reading) and then I got some off the internet...there are a few quite big suppliers that have been in the press lately.  I think there is another longer thread on here about CBD oil started about 3 weeks ago maybe?

Thank you xx

Yes it's been mentioned on here a few times so if you type it into the search bar...

I don't think it's widely available in UK or at least it didn't used to be. I think you have to order it online.


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