Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

At my wits end with menopause!!! Aaghhhh!!!

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Allergy testing can save your life clkd so i wouldnt be so dismissive of it its there for a reason and no ones saying pay for it its available on the nhs and the gp should not be making excuses for denying anyone access to this.
Otc pain relief also isn't the be all and end all as it has it's own set of issues and is not now recommended especially paracetamol.
We all have our opinions and you are fortunate that your pin **** tests showed nothing im very happy for you but that doesent mean my tests showed nothing.If I'm going to go into anaphylactic shock because I'm allergic to something i think id prefer to be tested and be aware of this beforehand then i could at least avoid it to the best of my ability wouldnt You?.xD.D

Hi DD,

How is it decided what allergies are tested for? Do they have a standard selection or do they ask which you want?

Robin x

Hi Robin as far as I'm aware you'd normally go to your gp suspecting a particular allergy or intolerance and they would refer you to an allergy clinic.theyll check to see whether it's allergy or intolerance going by your symptoms ie instant reaction or slower symptoms that occur regular.tge clinic will then test you either using blood tests or skin **** for the most common allergens ie mould spores dust dander from pets or common food allergies like usual peanuts shellfish etc.this can all be done via the nhs dependant on your gp or there's a few good private labs that do it but they're not cheap.have a Google for more in depth info good luck I hope you don't need them xx D.D

I developed hayfever during peri and still have it despite never having suffered with it my whole life until then.  When I started the utrogestan for the first month 6 weeks had "the runs" but now its stopped.  I use the gel so the oestrogen doesn't upset my stomach.  I also had nasal drip and heartburn when I was taking Prempak but now on the gel/utro that's gone too.  I had really bad joint pain on Prempak too now I think about it and on evoril conti when they gave it to me.
Trouble is we are all different and as we move the meno journey our body seems to react differently to certain things - its often hard to pin it down.  What I would say is that if you stop something and stuff goes away and then you start again and it comes back you pretty much know the culprit causing the problem, well that's how I go about it even with the HRT. Its a bit like they suggest for food allergies, take stuff out of your diet and then reintroduce - see what happens?

May be try a food intolerance test as opposed to allergies.
I was in the process of doing one but got ripped off by the consultant.
I still believe it's a good idea & will try again when I find someone I can trust.


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