Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

At my wits end with menopause!!! Aaghhhh!!!

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Having been veggie for so long I'm pretty good now at making sure I get all the vitamins & minerals I need but can't take too much fibre,I eat plenty nuts,like you,I'm now trying to cut out dairy but oh my it's so hard,where I can I go for vegan options when I'm not sure & surprisingly some stuff is good, I gingerly tried a vegan muffin & it was actually yummy,really did taste like buttercream on top,as for flushes etc,I've got fans everywhere 😆 even got one in handbag,really helps,as if I use it before flush takes a hold it stops it from getting too bad

No idea if it would help you or not but my family swears by evening primrose oil supplements for their hot flushes. One aunt had breast cancer so cannot use HRT.

Haha not liking the vegan cheese, I've tried the lactose free one from arla & it's nice,what vegan cheese do you suggest I try?


--- Quote from: Jari on November 29, 2018, 08:17:31 PM ---I know what you mean, but try vio life original flavour. It's like a very mild cheddar. It's the best I've found so far. 😉😊

--- End quote ---
Thanks jari,will give it a go xx

Hello again ladies.

I have in effect been vegan for almost three years. I cook everything from scratch but stick to really simple and tasty recipes. You might want to look up The Happy Pear chefs on YouTube, their demonstrations are great and I have both of their cook books. Dr Michael Greger of has excellent videos and he has published a cookbook as has Dr John McDougall the author The Starch Solution.

 There is so much good science demonstrating the benefits of eating plants it really should be more well known.

The only complaint I have is that my hormones are still out of whack and I am not brave enough to abandon my HRT altogether and rely solely on nutrition for my oestrogen. That day may come though especially if all I have to  do is eat  more flaxseed!

Take care ladies.



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