Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

At my wits end with menopause!!! Aaghhhh!!!

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Well just a quick update as im now at yet another crossroad, I have tried HRT pills, patches, gel and utrogestan, the gel and utro were great for menopause symptoms but my IBS and diverticular disease was awful and I spent most of my time with either stomach cramps/pain or running backwards and forwards to the loo, I asked doctors whether HRT affects IBS etc and he said no it doesn't, but I stopped the HRT 4 weeks ago and stomach is a lot better, less pain but muscular aches are back, and at night one hot flush after another, cant remember the last full nights sleep I had..... so I don't know what to do now, Doctor said to go back on HRT but don't want my stomach to flare up again, just wondering if there are any alternative therapies that might help? Also do you think taking HRT just delays menopause symptoms? Just wondering as I have been going through this now for about 8 years......

Have you tried eliminating gluten and lactose from your diet and have you tried food intolerance/ allergy testing just in case it's one of these issues causing you problems.its not as daunting as it seems to do this and it could greatly improve your symptoms and may even stop you eliminating the things that may actually be helping you but are being masked.x D.D

I did gluten free for 3 months, but didn't see any difference, I did ask about allergy testing at my GP but he said that he wouldn't recommend it, so wasn't sure where to go for the allergy testing.

Yep that sounds consistent with another penny pinching answer that these gps are so adept at.
Why don't you try lactose free just as an experiment it can only help you.dont go dairy free just lactose free you'll see lots of items in the supermarkets now and the milk in a carton with a cow on lol is really nice with all the ingredients you need to maintain your other levels like calcium for your bones etc.i have oestopenia so im very careful, that particular range also do cheeses yoghurt etc do have a mouth ulcers all stopped when I did this.phlegm at back of throat stopped post nasal drip down throat stopped and most importantly to me diahirrea stopped.ive been clear of all this for a good 12 weeks now its just the gastric headaches I'm putting down to oestrogen that I'm experimenting with now.ive been very patient over this last year trialling all the hrt stuff with the support of consultants and all its done is cost me a small fortune in tests blood/ scans because no one will admit to a possible issue with hrt usage and digestive problems.your gp can and should test you for food allergy/ intolerance have a Google and you'll see it can be done in nhs hospitals and ask for a grandchildren have been tested so it can be done.I myself was tested for mould spores and other allergies 4 years ago due to recurring pleurisy.ive just had blood tests done privately to test for allergens which then points the gp in the direction of which,if any, further testing i need.hes just fobbing you off.hope this is of some help to you.x D.D

Allergy testing isn't the B All and End All. I have developed allergies since the 1970s and worked for a Consultant so was able to be tested 3 times in 4 years.  For sneezing.  We decided eventually that I am allergic to DH  :'(  ::).  I realised that after years of having cats here that they aggravated my sneezing.  Big Time!  Also house dust mite, if Himself doesn't weild the hoovery-thingy the symptoms return.

I had pin-**** tests and nothing showed.  Not worth paying for!!

If you have stopped the HRT I suggest that you allow your body to settle.  As oestrogen levels drop so muscles may become lax = aches and pains so an over-the-counter correct pain relief should help.  Something to discuss with a Pharmacist at your Chemist.  Also some find that ice-blocks can ease pains, gentle and brisk exercise works for me depending on what hurts at any one time: fortunately not all at once !  Making sure that I have correct footwear [I could solve half the World's back problems  ;)] as well as sitting correctly, my main problem is that I don't kneel when loading the laundry machines  ::).

Yoga can help.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy, simple exercise or Pilates, swimming or relaxation classes can be beneficial.  For me it's finding time  ::)

Checking your over-all diet and fluid intake?  Allowing for treats ....... currently mine is lots of roasted veggies, hot or cold  8).  I've gone off chocolate .......  :-X


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