Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried GOPO?

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I came across this name by chance while browsing a health discussion about joints and arthritis  [commercial link removed]
Have any of you used it? In the discussion which I saw, someone was singing its praises.

Looks interesting. I haven't tried it but have take rosehip supplements for joint pain (which this is derived from), and found it affective.

The reviews look good.

I tried GOPO for about 4 months. It definitely worked for me for joint pains but I had to give it up eventually because I got very fed up of the side effects (gastrointestinal). Worth taking unless you tend to suffer from irritable bowel (IBS-D) type symptoms!


--- Quote from: Beaker on November 14, 2018, 08:56:19 PM ---I tried GOPO for about 4 months. It definitely worked for me for joint pains but I had to give it up eventually because I got very fed up of the side effects (gastrointestinal). Worth taking unless you tend to suffer from irritable bowel (IBS-D) type symptoms!

--- End quote ---
   Thanks for that Beaker. I might give it a try.

Have just been reading the Menopause Matters mag on line and there is an article on joint pain.  It mentions Gopo, so is worth a read.



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