Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Blood Testing for Nutrient Deficiencies

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Just a general aside, but talking of diets and nutrients - I was reading somewhere that Japanese women do not "suffer from the menopause" there is no word in Japanese for it.  I was planning to research a bit more but apparently they get no symptoms because of their diet.  Hey ho- worth a look huh?

Wish I was Japanese

As you are vegetarian there's a high chance you'd B12 could be low

If you decide to get private tests down Blue Horizon is good.x

It is claimed that the Japanese don't suffer with menopause as we do because they have so much soya in their diet.  I personally believe they are genetically less likely to suffer. So much of what illnesses and physical problems we get are down to genetics but diet, exercise and a good lifestyle can help alleviate things - SOMETIMES!!!
DG x


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