Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Relaxing music

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--- Quote from: Shadyglade on March 26, 2019, 09:28:19 PM ---I listen to Classic FM quite a lot. Certainly makes me more relaxed and it virtually the only station we have on in the car.

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At Easter did you listen to the classic countdown? I do.

I usually do but was away over Easter this year.


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on May 10, 2019, 08:41:43 PM ---I usually do but was away over Easter this year.

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Yes of course you were. In my mind it is linked to DIY because I listened to the early years of it while painting my old  flat.

Easter reminds me of 'The Nuns' Chorus' from Caverleria Rusticana ........  my Grandad's fav..

Can anyone recommend some uplifing / happy / feelgood music tracks please?I am thinking of putting a playlist together for when I am doing house hold chores and my mind moves to unhealthy / anxious thoughts like not sleeping!

I heard one by The Waterboys on Radio 1 today called ' This is The Sea' - all about
how moods and emotions change  states like water but return eventually.



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