Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

My greatest thanks

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Hello ladies.
Just past the four 9/11 anniversary without my eldest son..... This anniversary hit me very hard... He would now be 27 had he not been an angel. Do so wish heaven had visiting hours.... You get my meaning.
My DD is back to the nightmare of drugs again but apologies for her behaviour towards me, she's the youngest at 20...and my middle DS at 21 is OK......
Life eh?.. It breaks or makes you some days.
I know I couldn't have done it without this forum do help and support.
Woodlands xx

 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Apparently DD continues with her struggles, understandably.  What support is she getting?  She is mayB trying to escape memories and feelings and is probably aware of the consequences.  But escaping is easier and quicker than other methods of coping.

Take care of you.  Let the various agencies take DD under their wing. 

Hi Woodlands,
Where you get your strength from, is beyond me.....
Sending you        :bighug:      , you deserve it.....

Stay strong, thinking of you......xx


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