Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

My greatest thanks

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Hi ladies.
A wee update, DD remains much the same, less drugs but still drama, she's now had an increase in Ad's and having counselling.... I parent loosely at arms length.... No new news is good news etc.. Means she's coping and not being awful to me.
My DS decided to move out, briefly living with his GF parents whilst they buy their own place.... Shikes living alone-I'm loving it.
Woodlands started dating this summer after 5 years alone, packed a bag and walked out on my now ex second husband.... And I've just sold my house in 5 days....
Looking for a new place closer to work.... Gosh a difficult 5 years but life in the ole lady yet...
Big hugs xx

Good morning Woodlands

Thanks for the update.
Lovely to hear that thing are going well for you good luck.

Take care
Lanzalover x

Thanks ladies.
Viewing a renovated Chapel tomorrow.... Perhaps ment to be xx

I'm so glad thing are improving for you. You've had such a hard time, you desrve some happiness now.

Hi ladies.
Well how a few weeks change.... DD the worst she's ever been, but I remain focused on moving to a delightful converted Chapel after Xmas.
I have had to cut ties with DD for now as I know my ex is now having to parent her as I step back..... My DS has moved on with his GF buying their first home.
Life eh....
All the best folks
Woodlands x


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