Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

My greatest thanks

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Hello folks.
I've been a member of this forum for around five years now.
Many of you know I lost my eldest to suicide aged 23 in. 2014.
Thanks with all my heart for you kind words and support.
Our own 9/11 is hard to bear but we try
Woodlands xx

ali 61:
Hello Woodlands,
I've only just joined, so didnt know your very sad story.
There are no words I can say to help you. And I cant even begin to imagine the pain you must go through, which will be even worse on the anniversary.
Through my own losses, I have learnt that it helps, just a little, to talk about it and mark the special days.
I wish you peace and strength, and I send you much love. xx

Hi Woodlands
You have been terrifically strong through the last few years and are a shining example to us all. I wish you all the best in the future and your road gets easier. .


You had no choice but to face every parents worst nightmare.  True inspiration to us all xxxx

No, Woodlands, I did not know your story.
There can't be many worse things that a human being could bear. I imagine since 2014 you've barely been able to go on. I'm full of admiration from afar that you're even able to type a message. You must be a very resilient lady.
I lost a friend to suicide in my 20's. She was just a friend (if you understand what I mean) and it's such a complicated grief process. And this was your child. Just don't know what to say, Woodlands.
Sending lots of love your way xxxx


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