Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Great anxiety help.

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I have only just today saved him on my YouTube account as it came up on my Facebook. I have just ordered the Kindle book so thank you for posting this. :) Xx

I've been following The Anxiety Guy for a few months on YouTube and have listened to quite a few of his podcasts. If you sign up for email notifications you get a PDF download free of an ebook - not sure if it is the same one. It's his story plus lots of tips - I found it really helpful. He also talks about adrenal fatigue which I know is not medically recognised but I wonder ... he recommends diet, exercise and supplement like magnesium too, which I am trying (and just given up coffee - what a difference!)

Also I've been doing his daily affirmations - well listening to them after my 10 minute morning meditation and these help as well. I like his positive attitude - we are all anxiety 'warriors' and his mantra which I've adopted ' I am more than anxiety'.

I did Headspace for about a year (paid version) and then I moved to Calm which is a female voice, it was a bit cheaper and I prefer the music. There is also lots of free meditations on the Insight Timer App, or you can make your own timer with bells and music (I use it for Yin Yoga).

OMG - you'd think that with all this stuff I do that I'd be more than OK  ;D but I'm still a bundle of worry and neuroses (haven't even mentioned my therapy visits ...)

Thanks for that.
I will look him up. Anxiety, anger & depression are by far my worst symptoms

Book has arrived!

Something else to be anxious about?  ;D ;D ;D


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