Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Great anxiety help.

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ali 61:
I suffer from anxiety occasionally, but the menopause has really made it worse. Coupled with insomnia, its been very difficult.
Yesterday I started following a page on Facebook called "The anxiety guy"
He also has lots of videos on Youtube under the same name.

Last night I watched his "meditation for evening anxiety" and felt so much calmer and slept nearly double my usual amount!!

I also found he had released a book about his own experience with years of anxiety and how he overcame it.
Its a bit expensive as a book, but I got an e-book for just over £2. I sat and read it in one go as I couldnt put it down!

He may not help for every single person, but for me, he gives some great advice/info/ideas.

Maybe somebody else out there would find him helpful too?

Have a good day everybody. xx


I think Bettyboo also recommended this (Canadian?) gentleman a couple of days ago on another thread xx

Thank you Ali 61. There was one hardback left in stock which is now on its way to me!

Toodle Pips:
I dabble in mediation at certain times in my monthly cycle as it helps with the low mood/worries that rear up in the first two weeks of my cycle. I use an app called headspace. The first ten sessions are free. I did subscribe to it for a while but have stopped now as I feel I know what I am doing.

I am probably defeating the object by only mediating now and then, but I don't feel I need to do it every day.


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