Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sea Bands for nausea AND ANXIETY

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I am going to try this to combat monthly mild vertigo feeling (GP says it is my ears but not sure what that would be monthly!). Great tip.
I used to be Waltzer queen in my youth but feel gippy at the Tescos roundabout at certain times of the month now!

I tried the sea bands ,  but they didn't work for me.

However had increased my Hrt gel from 2 pumps to 3 and yesterday the nausea wasn't present!! It took about a week on the increased dose to work.
With that or it's the Magnisium spray I've been using. Either way I'm happy to have got rid of it!

Ann x

I tried them for sea sickness - they made no difference at all. They did nothing for my anxiety in the Force 9 gale either...


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