Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sea Bands for nausea AND ANXIETY

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"Kwells" was the other one recommended.  I tried the grey 'sea bands' but it's about applying pressure to the inner wrists .......... mine have little white buttons which are supposed to sit over the pulse point.  Dad found them useful, no good for me.  But whatever works, USE  :yes: ....... anti-histamines knock me right out but I have used those when travelling. 

Digestive enzymes (plant based) to replace what those with low stomach acid need or digestive bitters.

Often, acid reflux is caused by a lack of acid causing the food to regurgitate and irritate the stomach lining.

If you don't drink then you could try lemon juice, or even just touching your tongue on the lemon will get the gastric juices flowing!

Received my sea bands today. If for anxiety you need to Google where the pressure point is. I will update after wearing them for a couple of days ladies.  And yes you do need to wear both :) xx


I think that lime juice is less acidic - would it work the same?

Had them on for about 10 minutes. Can't stand the pressure around wrists :( feel like they're suffocating and I have skinny wrists too.


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