Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sea Bands for nausea AND ANXIETY

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ali 61:
I received my Sea Bands yesterday morning. Had them on all day, but sadly they did nothing for my nausea.
Then last night I was riddled with popped them on again. But I'm afraid they made no difference.
But I hope they work for others as we are all different.

Ah, sorry they haven't helped any of you.

I'm wondering if the nausea you have Ali is more stomach related as many on here have given remedies that worked for them for severe nausea and none worked for me, as they all seemed to be for the stomach. I was also given the strongest anti nausea drugs too and they didn't make a jot of difference, apart from the strong antihistamines as they work on the brain but also knock me out. However, the bands stopped it immediately as mine is the motion sickness type as always felt as if I was on a boat (and have always been bad with travel sickness anyway) which is more migraine type nausea in the brain where you'd rather jump overboard than cope with another minute - except there was nowhere to jump!

ali 61:
Hi Dangermouse. I suffer from very frequent migraines (average 1 a week) I have always used Buccastem tablets on my gum for the migraine nausea (Prescribed by my GP) But this nausea is different. I think you may be right that its stomach-related. But it has increased dramatically since starting HRT. Which is surprising as I thought the patches shouldnt give nausea.
But I'm glad the Sea Legs work for you.  :)

Aw, you've just taken me back to my childhood then with mentioning Sea Legs by accident. I suddenly remembered my mum used to give a medication with that name when we travelled and I just looked it up and it's an antihistamine! Just remembered “have you taken your Sea Legs?”.

Anyway, mine is caused by surging high oestrogen and if you've only had yours since your patches then your dose may be pushing yours up too high perhaps? Oestrogen is a stimulant so tends to cause nausea, migraine and anxiety if it goes too high. Progesterone can also cause nausea but I think it's connected to the GABA brain stimulation which does calm down once your body is used to it.

If it's more affecting your stomach then it could even be slow transit where high oestrogen slows it down (to keep nutrients hanging around longer during pregnancy) or low stomach acid. If the anxiety is stronger straight after eating it's likely to be the latter as the stomach works harder to digest the food which affects heart rate. Digestive enzymes are really good for that and you could test it first by having a little white wine with your food to see if it helps it before buying any enzymes.

ali 61:
Dangermouse. Thanks for the reply.

I am only using 1/2 a patch at the moment due to stomach cramps, on my GP's advice. So I am not even getting a full dose of hormones yet.
I take Peptac liquid after food, as I have a tendency to acid reflux. I dont tend to notice the anxiety is worse after food though.
What are the enzymes you talk about please?
I cant try white wine, as I dont drink alcohol!!
Sorry about the "Sea Legs". Slip of the tongue.  ;D


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