Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Support groups


Does anyone know whether there are any specific menopause support groups? I'm new to all this and I'm thinking that it would help me to meet up with people occasionally to swap stories, give support, etc.  I'm perimenopausal with bad anxiety and I'm thinking a menopause specific group would be better for me as I embark on this journey, as opposed to a more general anxiety/depression group. I've spoken to my GP who said they have nothing and know of nothing. I offered to be the founder “lay” member but I think they thought I was nuts! I just wanted to check that there wasn't some amazing network of support groups (other than this fantastic forum) which you all know about. I live in South London and I'm sure there must be other women like me out there nearby who might feel similar. Any thoughts would be helpful and, as always, insightful I'm sure xxxx

Thank you!!! Please can I be really stupid and ask what “I've bumped it for you” means? I'm guessing it means  bumped an older discussion up the lists but I can't see it xx

Thank you so much xx
I will go and read it xx

There is a thread on a group near Aylesbury ........ if you put the town into the search box it should pop up ;-)


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