Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Still suffering

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The Lady Care magnet does work for some people, as I've heard from another group I belong to. I'm going to give it a try when I can get around to buying one.

Magnets do work on pets sometimes.  What's the worst that can happen?  Money spent on something that might not work but that is true of many things that we buy ...........

Mary G:
miagran, it sounds like you found the perfect HRT regime and I think it is a huge pity and you were forced to give it up for no reason.  I would not bother with the magnet, I would go straight back on the HRT that worked so well for you before.  If your GP won't prescribe it, why not find another doctor who will - you are obviously struggling with quite a few nasty symptoms.

I was just saying on another thread, forget the 5 year time limit, it is outdated and in my opinion very destructive and eroding quality of life for so many women.  There is no time limit, you can take HRT for life as long as you don't have a serious health condition. 

 :thankyou:  Mary G - after all, we might not live long enough to see if HRT has any bad effect!


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