Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Thanks for that sparkle.

Says it in a nutshell.   :)

I have read that there is not enough of it in green vegetables in America and that is why they think they are usually deficient.

I am not sure about UK - agricultural practices and soils are different.

I take it with my vitD. I took vit D after finding it was low in a blood test.  It helped so much with my aches and pains in the joints, but they came back.  I read somewhere that once your VitD rises, you use up the Magnesium stores and it is the Magnesium that stops the aches and pains.  I take a small amount in a joint supplement.  It is enough to make a difference for me.  You are supposed to take 3 of them a day but they give me tummy upsets, despite usually being constipated and one seems to do the job (and I bought a whole bally load of them, 3 for 2, at great expense  >:( so have to use them somehow).

Thanks Sparkle - that article said what I was trying to  :)

Hi everyone

I've changed from magnesium liquid to spray and have now been on it a week so far, I spray it on the bottom of my feet every evening, I'm hoping it helps with sleep and general aches and pains.


--- Quote from: Abba Fan on July 20, 2018, 01:35:31 PM ---Hi paisley, I use this one, it's lysinate glycinate chelate. I use it for anxiety and sleep, I take 2 every night 1 hour before bed. My husband uses it for leg cramps too.

--- End quote ---
Thanks abbafan,just bought this,hopefully will help with the anxiety x


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