Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I have checked it out. She's American. She sells a product she has developed. That's all I need to know  ;D

Seriously though - I don't get it about magnesium - this woman lists a whole lot of conditions triggered or caused by magnesium deficiency. Fair enough - but she assumes that everyone is deficient and therefore needs to take a supplement - specifically the unique supplement/preparation she has developed, in order to alleviate all these symptoms. Aside from the fact that many of these symptoms  are caused/affected presumably by numerous deficiencies or other health conditions, the assumption that we must all be deficient if we experience thse symptoms is surely dubious. We should (most of us) be able to get all the magnesium we need from our diet and this surely is what everyone should be focussing on (apart from those groups who fall into particular categories - the elderly, those with chronic digestive conditions preventing absorption etc).

Here I'm not talking about the use of magnesium in pharmaceutical quantities for medicinal purposes (like eg using Milk of Magnesium for upset tum - which has nothing to do with magnesium deficiency) - and I don't think this doc is either - she is talking about deficiency. Surprise surprise she seems to think it doesn't matter if you take it when you don't need it, and don't need a blood test to tell you whether you need it or not! Call me a sceptic ::)

Those of you who are using it - is this for medicinal purposes and if so do you have any links to studies about this because I'm not familiar with what ailments and conditions it is used for - I presume you are not all taking it because you think you are deficient? Lots of people seem to take it and I'm not clear why - so any further information (but not from someone selling stuff!!!) would be welcome.  Thanks :)

Hurdity x

Err, I always do my research thanks Hurdity, and have taken magnesium for years. Being American is not a crime and I always take several sources of information. I am sure you can do research as well. It's all out there. I don't expect you to agree with those of us that take it but don't dismiss it out of hand.

Magnesium greatly decreases muscle cramps, helps keep bowels regular (fruit does it for me too) and can help reduce Palpitations, they're my reasons for restarting the supplements each time I forget to take them

Most of us are deficient in magnesium, I find it helps tremendously with leg cramps and palpitations.

Ditto leg cramps plus twitching eye and muscle stiffness. Also helps my energy levels.


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