Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Just to report the last 24 hours have been rubbish; bad sleep, jittery, tingly, anxious so now am of a mind to ditch the Magnesium and / or Vit D and stick with the Multi Vits. I find all this so very hard ladies! How can we know if what we take has any good effect when everything is so up and down. Hard to make any decision when feeling awful and easy to have good intentions when feeling better!


--- Quote from: Roni1972 on August 20, 2018, 11:52:05 PM ---Crikey!  I give up!  Many nutritionists recommend Magnesium as Citrate, taken in the evening.

Others insist you cannot take a Magnesium supplement without Calcium as well.

On top of that, I have also read recent articles that state Magnesium L-threonate is the best if you are Peri-menopausal.

Can a professional or expert in the field of Peri-menopause, please enlighten me and every other confused woman out there?

Thank you.

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I tried Citrate and was worse. Then read it acted like a stimulant!! So I haven't tried any others.


--- Quote from: Roseneath on August 27, 2018, 12:27:56 PM ---Just to report the last 24 hours have been rubbish; bad sleep, jittery, tingly, anxious so now am of a mind to ditch the Magnesium and / or Vit D and stick with the Multi Vits. I find all this so very hard ladies! How can we know if what we take has any good effect when everything is so up and down. Hard to make any decision when feeling awful and easy to have good intentions when feeling better!

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I tried Citrate it made me worse, really jittery, clenching teeth, so anxious. I then read Citrate can act like a stimulant, so ditched it and went back on Menopace Plus xx

I've been taking Mega Mag400mg in liquid form it's natural ionic magnesium I take it in orange juice as it has horrible mineral taste on its own the dose is in ml I take 4 each day split into two doses.

I'm hoping it helps my sleep and my constipation which is caused by the meds I take.

According to reviews on Amazon site it should start working after about three weeks of taking it especially for aches and pains, so we shall see I'm on week two.

Just dug-out my copy of 'The miracle of magnesium', by Dr Carolyn Dean. A very informative book on all aspects of the benefits of magnesium. She recommends magnesium oxide, purely because it's the cheapest to buy. If you get loose stools she says reduce the dose as it is an indication you are taking too much.

I believe she has a website if you want to check it out.  :)


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