Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I found it really does help for anxiety and also if you are constipated too. Recently started using lavender epsom salts in the bath at night as the Magnesium is absorbed found that was very relaxing. My son gave me a spray oil but haven't tried it yet not sure if I want oil all over. :)

My anxiety was cured by oestrogen! I hadn't tried mag though.

Crikey!  I give up!  Many nutritionists recommend Magnesium as Citrate, taken in the evening.

Others insist you cannot take a Magnesium supplement without Calcium as well.

On top of that, I have also read recent articles that state Magnesium L-threonate is the best if you are Peri-menopausal.

Can a professional or expert in the field of Peri-menopause, please enlighten me and every other confused woman out there?

Thank you.

I have been on Magnesium Citrate for 48 hours and  I did feel slightly more lucid, clear headed and less anxious in the last 24. Placebo? Shifting hormones? Because its sunny or I had pancakes for tea?...who knows but I will keep taking it and see if it has a more long term effect.

Magnesium Citrate 200mg (Nu U off Amazon - not expensive).  I also have recently started taking a Boots MultiVit  & 2.5 Vit D and drink a glass of milk per day. I have tested for low iron in the past and don't take much Ca naturally and I understand it aids Magnesium absorption.  I am a  bit of a sceptic that any medication at all will have a consistent, significant impact on my anxiety highs and lows (aside from ADs maybe which I haven't taken). Feel pretty good day too although my period started this morning so it could be the end of what seems to be Peri 'Hyper horrid PMT'  which I am beginning to see a bit of a cycle in - and nothing to do with the Vits and Minerals at all.   Still I feel significantly peppy and less foggy enough to continue the regime for a bit. We are all turning into closet self mediators! LOL.


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