Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Does anyone take magnesium for their anxiety & if so which type do you take? I read Magnesium Glycinate is the best source for this & kinder on tummy.

Abba Fan:
Hi paisley, I use this one, it's lysinate glycinate chelate. I use it for anxiety and sleep, I take 2 every night 1 hour before bed. My husband uses it for leg cramps too.

Hi AbbaFan
Thanks for that. I have the magnesium oxide but doesn't seem to do much good. Do you find it helps with your anxiety? Funny you mention your husband as I have really painful legs at the moment.

Abba Fan:
Hi paisley, I find it really helpful for anxiety, you can double the dose too, so if you're anxiety is still bad in the morning you can take another 2.

Thanks both
Yes I don't want to caught short when I am out. Very embarrassing


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