Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Surprised that this hasn't yet been mentioned as it has been endorsed by Louise Newson.

Developed by Peter Astbury it is a device that helps to relieve night sweats and hot flushes.

"weekend Guardian" July 2018

Not heard of that one. Does it work.

Hello ladies.

The article appears in  The Guardian Weekend magazine as a paid content piece.   Grace is a wristband that contains heat sensors so that when a hot flush is detected a cooling tile is activated which is supposed to reverse the flush. The wristband has been developed by a design student as part of a design and health technology competition.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but this is basically an advert for a device that has no scientific basis. The designer claims that cooling the wrist will retrain the hypothalamus and turn off the flush but it hasn't been put to the test plus this item hasn't been endorsed by Louise Newson, the copy writer has merely included some quotes from her about the menopause in general, a technique often used in advertising to appear to  give products legitimacy.

Wishing everyone well.


Hi Kathleen - I’ve been doing some research too and can’t see that it’s been endorsed by Louise Newson. The device is not in production yet. 

I hope it works xx

The device is being trialled.  It think from what I read there will be 'research' eventually. 


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