Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Dry vagina and cannot take hormones


I had to stop HRT due to bleeding and biopsy said hormones were causing uterine lining to thicken.  Now what can I use for dry vagina? Replens does not work. I am currently using coconut oil 3-5 times a day. Please give help.

Did your GP or Gynae suggest that you stop HRT?  There are several types on the market so good advice is essential.

Have a look at the threads here on vaginal atrophy: 'My Bladder etc..' ......... using appropriate replacement oestrogen in the vagina really does help and is a different type of HRT.  Make notes ;-).  For me VA was like razor blades up there  :o with irritable bladder which made me need to pee, often  :-\.  Treatment stopped those feelings.

I can't use any form of hormones. Creams, etc. I bleed and or uterine lining thickens. It concerns me in other ways because, I am so easy to have UTIs. Last year within 5 months I had 7 plus kidney infection. Then c. diff. They increased my dosaged on hormones to try to stop bleeding. No go. Now I am looking for alternatives to help. Thank you very much for replying.

Hello Yellow (lovely username 😊),

Sorry to hear that... try Yes products. You can ask for samples and see what suits you best

Conolly X

R U in the UK?  If so maybe see if there is a menopause clinic where you can get advice? 

'Yes' products are recommended alone or with localised HRT.


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