Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

vitamins for anxiety eg St John's Wort

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Hi. Dancing Girl gave some great advice there. I just want to empathise as I also have 1) A highly toxic mother who lives close and 2) A nice then nasty husband. I found in my 20s /30s these things didn't effect me much; I felt mentally stronger and just got on with things. I feel now in my late 40s and in peri much more vunerable . My mind dwells on the history of my bad relationship with my mother (who has got more toxic with age) and like you my husband doesn't know how to cope with my anxiety and low mood (he once told me I should be in a loony bin when I couldn't cope...I know he didn't mean it but he is used to me being the family rock.  I too would say don't go down the vitamin route. I thought I could find a magic pill to take that dull feeling away. I took Menopace & lots of Vita for 3 months then got a strange liver enzyme result. Came off them and it was fine again. Things will change. Be gentle to yourself but also try and fight it/keep busy. It is not easy.xx

Totally empathize Poppi
I take Valerian tablets which help a bit & try & do muscle relaxation meditation.
It is so hard trying to appear normal for other people when they don't understand. My OH tries to understand sometimes but when he is busy or stressed himself he can be very flippant & unhelpful. I suppose it is hard for other people to understand if they haven't been through it themselves.

Hi again and thanks for very helpful advice. Very quick history update-my back condition is Degenerative disc disease. I had to be cut out of car after head on collision with a lorry. I had head/brain injury, in a coma for 5 days. This was in the 1970s when there was no aftercare or effective treatment. Throw the Menopause into my life and I've been very lucky to have the GPs I'm seeing.

Blood tests 3 weeks ago showed up low calcium and red blood cell count. OTC supplement recommend by my GP. Painful sex now sorted out  :wub: and new HRT obviously working 😊

On top of that, I'm now Granny Poppi and our wee bundle of joy is a welcome addition!

Granny Poppi 💕 xx

Thank you Sparkle

         :love: :party:

                Poppi x


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