Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

vitamins for anxiety eg St John's Wort

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Hi Ladies, just wondering if anyone takes any vitamins for anxiety? I already take amitriptaline and co-codamol for a serious back problem, but feel so weepy, not depressed just a little "dull" rather than bright. I'm beginning to think it is a genetic thing this "dull" feeling as my toxic mother was always negative and I feel I could be turning into her - God forbid!

         Thanks in advance
                    Poppi x

Should have added that I have EVERYTHING I could ever want, have a lovely family, 1st grandchild on the way, 2 wonderful kids, husband who is good really but is not coping with me as the moaning minnie I've become (told him today that if he wanted to find someone else to be with that was ok with me - how could I say such an awful thing to him? But that's how I feel when he doesn't understand I want my own space and need time to myself - how greedy can you get (me I mean))


Have you tried counselling or CBT? I had counselling through the NHS a couple of years ago and it was great, though I realise it's not everyone's cup of tea.
The problem with St Johns Wort is that it interacts with so many medicines and with HRT that you have to be taking nothing else if you're taking that.
Are you taking time to do things you enjoy? That's really important. For me, that's fresh air, countryside, walking or riding my bike.
Wilks xx

Have you tried vit D? That can help lift mood x

Why not tell him, it gives him an option and opens the way for conversation!  I did the same in the 1990s ....

Have you printed off the 'hints for husbands' from here?  Maybe give them to him to read  ;)

Make a list of which symptoms you would like to ease and see your Practice Nurse or GP.  Eating regularly can ease anxiety surges.  There is appropriate medication but St John's Wort is for depression in the main. 


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