Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Turmeric paste for joint pain

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Hi Rosebush the paste will not work used on the outside, you need to drink it in some coffee or take it with food, I just had mine now with some tomatoe juice its very pleasant. All that will happen from the outside is you will get yellow knees.

Hi Rosebush...  I seem to have had my last post with the link to the website removed???  Maybe we aren't allowed to post links to a specific website. Would be good to be notified as to why tho, so I don't make the same mistake again!!!!

Anyway, I bought mine from Buy Wholefoods Online. 1kg bag - organic, appx £10.  Other health food websites are available.

I bought my coconut oil from Aldi.  Other supermarkets are available.

I probably got my black pepper from Tesco or Asda.  Maybe even Sainsbury's - I'm not very loyal ;)  Not Waitrose though - don't have one nearby!

I'm with Cassie regarding applying it directly to your knee.  I have read that you can do this, but I don't really see how you would absorb it properly.  Also you'd use LOADS!  That said, it's your call & I'd definitely be interested in your results and ensuing 'tan'...  ;D

Let's see if this post sticks, shall we!?!

H :) x


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