Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Turmeric paste for joint pain

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Many thanks Cassie.. :-*

Many thanks Heidi I have put link into my fav's and going have a good read now with my cup of coffee.. :-* :-*

I am going to have a look too at turmeric as I have also read how good it is in the menopause.
I use turmeric powder in cooking. Is that ok or do you need to buy the tablets or paste as they may be stronger?

Turmeric latte is nice too. Use a pinch of black pepper to help it to be absorbed effectively.
Using turmeric in cooking is probably at least as effective as a supplement if not better as it is much better absorbed if it's combined with food. That's what Michael Moseley says anyway!


--- Quote from: paisley on July 04, 2018, 02:12:27 PM ---I am going to have a look too at turmeric as I have also read how good it is in the menopause.
I use turmeric powder in cooking. Is that ok or do you need to buy the tablets or paste as they may be stronger?

--- End quote ---

Hi, Paisley...  I'd look into making the paste yourself if I were you - it's a doddle & you can do a batch and freeze it!  You also know then EXACTLY what has gone into it.  I appreciate it's easier to pop a pill sometimes but it really only takes 10mins to make.

According to the articles I've read you get maximum benefit by mixing the turmeric with black pepper & coconut oil.  It's all on the link I shared. 

Hope you get the same results as me.... I'm cockahoop!!!   ;D ;D ;D


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