Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Turmeric paste for joint pain

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Hi again..

CLKD ...  I stir it into about an inch of hot water and neck it back as quick as I can.  Then clean my teeth  ;D  There are all sorts of ways to take it on the website I mentioned, but the hot water way is super quick, no fuss!  I have a really good friend who swears by aloe vera.  She starting taking it in her very early 20s and doesn't have a wrinkle on her!!  I hate her with a passion  ;)

Connoly ...  I haven't noticed any extra bruises from taking the paste.  Will monitor it - thanks.

Tempest ...  Thanks for the tip - will certainly look into it.  I am honestly staggered what a fab job the turmeric is doing so am certainly open to trying adaptogenic herbs. 

In the meantime, I'll keep taking my soya / flaxseed / banana smoothies & whacking down the magic yellow paste.  It all seems to be working much better than I thought, and having a positive attitude certainly helps.

H x

I started taking it for tendinitis, nothing else but was making much impression. I was surprised how effective it is, I've had no pain for about a month now. I put my old dog on it for her arthritis & she was bouncing about again. Good stuff.
I add the optional cinnamon & pop a frozen lump into my coffee. Actually tastes quite nice like that.

suziq99  ...  Great stuff....  Glad it's working for you too.   ;)

As it's having such a positive effect on my painful knees, it also improves my mood as a secondary result.  So... Less achey, more happy!


Hi Ladies :) does anyone have a link to a site explaining more about Turmeric, i have horrible knee pain due to O/A and would like to give this herb a try..xx

If you are on FB there is a group called Tumeric Users Group, there are some extremely knowledgeable people in the group who will be able to answer all your questions.


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