Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Turmeric paste for joint pain

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I have had to stop taking HRT as could not tolerate the Progesterone part so am always looking at diet/lifestyle changes/alternatives to help with the symptoms.

Recently, my knee pain was becoming unbearable - having to pull myself up the stairs using the banister at 51 years of age!!!

A friend of mine (who has her own livery yard and uses it on her horses) suggested turmeric paste.  I've been taking half a teaspoon for about 3 weeks now and I can't believe how much better my knees are.  I wouldn't say the pain has gone completely but I really do hardly notice it at all at the moment.

That's it really.  Just wanted to share something positive.  I found the recipe for the paste on Turmeric Life - think it's an Australian website.

It's working for me, so might work for others.

It's an old herb? used in powder form in lots of oriental cookery.  It stains too  ;D.   What's wrong with trying it?  Maybe keep a diary of your actives, diet etc. ? 

Do you eat it 'raw' off a spoon ?  :-X

Hello heidif67,

Great post, thank you. I also take turmeric capsules, prescribed by an overseas Rheumatologist for osteoarthritis. I have noticed some improvement but it makes me bleed easily from minor bruises. I have decreased the prescribed dose and now it seems to be working without this side effect.

Conolly X

I also make the paste for my hubby and I have started taking it, doesnt taste great but does the trick.

Any bruising should be examined by a Doctor.  It should not be a side effect from anything we ingest but can be a sign of leukaemia !


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