Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

St John's Wort and Black Cohosh tablets (Holland & Barrett and Menomood)

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Agatha C  the other aspect is that there is no guarantee what is in some of these natural remedy tablets; what they are bulked up with, if their content matches the label etc. The market is not as regulated/tested as NICE approved drugs. Even if you buy well known brands such as H & B I'm not sure how rigorous their testing is. The point was it could have been the bulking agent or any other impurities that threw my liver out rather than assuming it was the dose of whatever was advertised on the label (Although USA export Amazon pills are probably not a great idea vs something you would buy in Boots). Caution is the work I think.

All herbal remedies are now fully regulated in the UK and have been for some years.

Check the THR on

There are two different aspects to this - whether the products you are buying are pure and contain what  they say they contain - and as Shadyglade says this is properly regulated by UK through the EU originally (what will happen to all this  after Brexit I wonder  ::) ). The other thing is whether they work - and that is a whole different area and subject to much research. If buying within EU you should be getting a pure regulated product if it has a license. Do not buy from the internet from outside the EU as it may well not be subject to the same regulations - as Roseneath says - buy the product from H & B or Boots or similar!

Hurdity x

Hi there,

I know you posted a while ago I have just started taking these and wanted to ask you how long before you started noticing a difference?
I am taking them with 1000mg starflower oil and am starting to have quite vivid dreams.. not super disturbing more weird ...
if you can let me know how you got on with these I would be really grateful.

Thanks a lot

 On Thursday I attended a "coping with menopause" lecture by a consultant gynaecologist who specialises in the menopause and HRT.
She said "not to waste your money on alternative treatments" and also mentioned one common one( whose name I can't remember!) can damage your liver if taken long term.
I thought I would share this information. I am not medical and have no experience of alternative treatments.


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