Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Wool Duvets, Pillows and Mattress Toppers, Can They Help Night Sweats?

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Hello ladies.

I've read that all natural wool duvets, pillows and mattress toppers can help with temperature control so I wondered if  using them would reduce the intensity of night sweats?

Obviously there is a lot of info and advertising online but  I wondered if any of you had experience of these items.
They are quite expensive but the investment would be worth it for a good night‘s sleep.

I look forward to reading any comments ladies and wishing you all well.


Kathleen- if you are still getting night sweats you need to increase your Oestrogel.

Hello Dotty.

Thank you for your reply and you are right of course! I have an appointment near the end of June and I will ask to increase my gel.  Clearly two pumps aren't cutting it but at sixty one and eight years post meno I had hoped that my current dose would be enough but maybe not.

Thanks again for your comment and take care.


I ditched our duvet years ago as it made me too hot.  Made me sneezy.  Now we have sheets, electric blanket and a coverlet.  On/off all night long  ::).  Wool supposedly 'breathes' ?  Maybe try it and report back as Chief Sheeps' Wool Tester ?  ;)

I have a mattress with a “summer side” which has a layer of cotton just under the outermost cover and a “winter side” which has wool instead. This, I'm not wholly convinced that wool would keep you cooler.
A young male GP advised me to keep a cold wet towel by the bed and wrap it round my neck each time I overheated  ;D
Needless to say, I went for HRT instead.


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