Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Extreme fatigue

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Thanks for replying. Yes, I have been tested and everything has come back normal.

I can't speak for Denise R, but my fatigue is very variable, so I would guess it is a hormone inbalace that is the culprit.

My GP is useless, and just tries to push me down thr AD route.

I do suffer from other menopause ailments like brain fog, adrenaline rushes during the night. I can't cope with stress as I used to. I can be very tearful for no reson at all :'( :' and so many other things....

The fatigue is very common, possibly similar to early pregnancy fatigue.

Change your GP?

This info is out of date.  Menopause is natural.  But some symptoms are so severe that they can cause great upset.  Hormonal Replacement Therapy does what it says on the tin  ;).  Why suffer if there is treatment available, after all, it doesn't have to be for ever and believe me, if vaginal atrophy strikes, you will probably soon change your mind!

Denise R:
I have had a full blood check done and everything else is ok.  I have suffered badly with concentration and memory problems to the point I thought I had dementia, however my gp assured me that things would get better eventually and I'm happy to say that they have. The fatigue though has worsened recently and is really getting me down. 

Do you have a regular job etc.? R U able to take time out for a few months so that you can sit when necessary?


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